Monday, November 20, 2006

Frugal Cleaning/Home/Life - Using Coffee Filters in All Sorts of Amazing Ways

Coffee filters are for more than JUST brewing a great cup of Java! On my Happy Slob's Housecleaning Blog I came up with some great cleaning uses for coffee filters.

But, beyond cleaning, coffee filters are a great way to:

  • Portion out snacks for yourself or for your kids. They're easier and cheaper than using paper plates for things like a hot dog. Great way to portion control snack sizes too, especially if you're trying to cut back a bit and lose some weight.
  • Store individual servings of things you eat often, but don't always want to measure out - like your morning oatmeal! Just put out some coffee filters and measure out 1 serving size of oatmeal into each one, then all you need to do for your morning bowl of oatmeal is grab one coffee filter full of oats, pour it into a microwave safe bowl, add some water and pop in the microwave.

Have more ideas on how to use coffee filters? Please email them to me - and I'll be sure to add them.

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